
Condolence Quotes for a Friend Who Lost His Father

Here are what to say to someone whose father died quotes and sympathy condolence quotes for a friend who lost his father.

Deep Condolence Quotes for a Friend Who Lost His Father

People's lives are greatly influenced by their parents, hence the loss of a parent can be painful. When someone you know loses a parent and is mourning, you might want to offer comfort and your condolences but find yourself at a loss for words. Here are some sample condolence quotes you can send to a friend or coworker whose parent has passed away.

Sometimes, it might be difficult to know what to say when someone you know is grieving. However, if your motives are good, people will appreciate everything you say. Nevertheless, here are sympathy quotes that might be appropriate. 

Here are words of condolence quotes to a friend's father who passed away. You can send these condolence quotes as text messages to your friend or as words of encouragement on his social media handle.

"I commiserate with the entire family at this moment of your painful grief. My thoughts are with you at this trying time. May God grant you all the fortitude to bear the loss."

Deep Condolence Quotes for a Friend Who Lost His Father
For the love of a true friend of yours whom the father has gone to be with the Lord, here are condolence message quotes you can send to share in his or her moment of grief.

[1]. My condolences bros. I couldn't imagine it myself. I am still in pause. He is with Jesus Christ!

[2]. I mourn with you in this bro. It is well. May his soul rest in peace.

[3]. He'll be greatly missed! I pray that God comforts your family and that his blessings are full in your home.

[4]. Condolences bro. May his soul have eternal rest and peace.

[5]. My condolences, thank God for your understanding of Dad being in the best place with Christ.

[6]. Daddy lives with my brother. To the world, it's a sad moment but to us believers, it's a thing of joy. Knowing he has gone to be with the Lord. There is no better place of rest than in the Lord.

[7]. Accept condolences, Sir. May his soul rest in eternal peace. May the Lord comfort you and the rest of the family, brother.

[8]. Accept my condolence. May his soul rest in the bosom of the lord. Take heart bro.

[9]. May the Holy Spirit comfort you and yours at this time. Accept my condolences. May his soul rest in peace.

[10]. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Sorry about your loss. May God console you and the family.

"My sincere condolence at this time. He alone knows the best. Take heart, my friend, may he rests in the bosom of the Lord till we meet to part no more, stay strong."

[11]. My condolences bro, may God give you the fortitude to bear the loss. Stay strong bro.

[12]. My condolences bros. Papa will always remain in the good memories and heart forever.

[13]. Accept my condolences, Sir. May his gentle soul find rest with the Lord.

[14]. Please accept my condolence. I pray God to give you the fortitude to stand the loss. Amen

[15]. It's well. I know he is in a better place. So sorry about that, Sir. May his soul find rest in God.

[16]. Sorry for this unprepared occurrence, may the Lord who gives you the wisdom to understand heavenly things in this earthly dwelling console and strengthen you through Christ our Lord. Rest In Peace Papa!

[17]. So sorry about the loss, Sir, I pray for divine encouragement, support and strength for you to bear this loss. He's in a better place.

[18]. Sincere condolences to you and yours. Glory bro. He has gone to be with the Lord in glory and to a glorious home. Accept our Condolences bro.

[19]. My condolences. May his soul rest in peace. It is well. Brotherly accept my condolence, may God give you and your family the heart to bear the irreparable loss.

[20]. Take heart! May his soul Rest In Peace! Shalom! I am deeply sorry for your loss. I pray God grants your Dad eternal rest and consoles your entire family.

"My heartfelt condolences to you and the entire family, my dear friend. He is in a better place."

[21]. Oh, dear! May you receive grace to go through it all and remain positive. All will be well.

[22]. Surprise to hear that my great Papa has gone home. May God grant him eternal rest in His kingdom and all he left behind the fortitude to bear the loss. It is well my man.

[23]. May his soul rest in peace. Accept my condolence, Sir. So surprised about the death of your father, the good news is he had fought a good fight of faith, and he resting now in the bosom of the Lord.

[24]. Bros, sorry. Accept my heartfelt condolence. Be strong. It's well. Take heart bro. May his soul rest in peace.

[25]. Dear. It's well. Glad you're taking it well. It's well, my heartfelt condolences.

[26]. Accept my condolences, Sir. May God rest his soul and console those he left behind.

[27]. I condole with you, Sir. God comfort your entire family through the moment. Accept our condolence, Sir. The Lord comfort your family.

[28]. My God! May the Father of comfort, comfort the family in this troubled time. Please accept my condolences.

[29]. Accept my condolences. May the Lord grant him eternal rest and give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

[30]. Sorry to hear this. Accept my condolences. May the eternal Lord grant him eternal repose in glory and also comfort you.



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Condolence Quotes for a Friend Who Lost His Father
Here are what to say to someone whose father died quotes and sympathy condolence quotes for a friend who lost his father.
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